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Technical drawing --- Dessin industriel --- 2D parametric designs --- Software defined modelling

CAD ecosystem

Below a list of open-source CAD software sorted by family of technologies.
  • Open CAD Ecosystem
    • LibreCAD A community fork of QCAD 2.0
    • QCAD QCAD 3.0, also available as a commercial product
    • Inkscape Vector drawing for artists, but can be hacked for technical drawing
    • SAMoCAD An unmaintained python2/OpenGL tool
    • CadZinho A minimalist 2D CAD. Run also in the browser
    • Classified by 3D geometry libraries
      • gCAD3D The lightweight 3D modeling based on GTK and OpenGL
      • BRL-CAD An open source cross-platform solid modeling system. Originated from American defense industry
      • ImplicitCAD Programmatic CAD program, implemented in Haskell
      • f3d Fast and minimalist 3D viewer
    • The C++ Computational Geometry Algorithms Library founded by European research instituts
    • The world famous open source 3D modeling library. Originated from France defense industry
      • FreeCAD Powerful GUI based on Qt
      • SolveSpace Light weight GUI based on GTK
      • Mayo 3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade
      • pythonOCC Python binding of OpenCascade based on SWIG
        • pythonOCC Gear Gear generator based on pythonOCC
        • ZenCAD A python library for parametric 3D modeling based on pythonOCC
      • pyOCCT Python binding of OpenCascade based on pybind11
        • DeclaraCAD CAD Qt-GUI based on pyOCCT using enaml scripts
      • CQ Python module based on OpenCascade for building parametric 3D CAD models
        • CQ Gear Gear generator based on CadQuery
        • CQ Kit Helper python library for CadQuery
        • Semblage CAD GUI backed by CadQuery
      • OCJS Port of the OpenCascade CAD library to JavaScript and WebAssembly via Emscripten
      • occt-import-js js-library for OpenCascade import functionalities
        • visualize and explore 3D models in your browser
    • Web based solid modeling in Javascript
    • libfive A library for parametric solid modeling and generative design
    • IFC Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), the open standard for Building Information Modelling (BIM)
      • IFC.js Reading and writing IFC files with Javascript
      • BIMSurfer WebGL-based IFC model viewer for BIMServer
      • IfcOpenShell IFC library and geometry engine